Looking for entertainment in online games, of course, does not limit the age and class of players. Because anyone can enjoy the excitement of favorite online games through searches from PlayStore and AppStore. Strategy games are the most popular because they hone players’ way of thinking in preparing defenses so that other players cannot beat you easily. One of the best recommended online games is Clash of Clans.
The Clash of Clans game requires players to implement a strategy to build a strong city defense by upgrading walls, upgrading weapons, traps, upgrading Inferno, Eagle and other weapons. Opposing players’ soldiers who approach the radius of your city’s friends will of course be attacked by their defenses, thus hindering the opposing team’s efforts to destroy your city on a large scale.
Tips for Winning the Right Clash of Clans Online Game
To enjoy the excitement of the Clash of Clans game, you can use Android and iOS devices to run the game. Get game applications for free via PlayStore and AppStore. It is not difficult to operate this game, because there is a tutorial available that can be obtained from YouTube broadcasts. This game requires players to always be active in raiding other clans so they can collect gold coins, elixir and dark elixir to increase the development of your clan, getting bigger and stronger. There are 5 best ways to win the Clash of Clans game which can be applied easily by anyone through the following tips:
Increase Troop Level
To get an easier chance of winning, you can increase the level of your favorite or most frequently used troops in the game. Troops with the maximum level will gain greater strength which can easily destroy the opponent’s defense. There is even an opportunity for certain types of troops to gain additional quatity which increases the strength of the troops even further.
Using Magic Potions
Magic potions are available to increase the strength of the troops to reach greater strength and make it easier for players to win the game. Apart from that, there are also potions that can be used to maximize your Hero level within a certain time limit. That way, players will gain greater confidence to win the game all the time.
Increase Clan Castle Level
If a Clan Castle is built at a higher level, it will provide space to accommodate more and more additional troops. During each battle, troops can be used to attack the opposing team’s defenses, which will make it easier for you to win the battle. There are also additional magic potions that can be requested to support the achievement of victory in the battle that will be played.
Applying the Strongest Base
To be able to win the Clash of Clans game, players must also pay attention to the composition of their base. Apply a strong base structure by looking for sources from Google or YouTube which will introduce various types of bases based on account level or based on the Town Hall level you have. The more difficult it is for your Clash of Clans base to be destroyed by opposing players, of course it will give you the best victory at any time.
Buy as many gems as possible
To make it easier for you to increase the maximum level in the base game, you can do this by purchasing Gems which can complete development work instantly. Gems can even be used to expressly increase the level of troops and heroes so that they can gain great power in paralyzing opposing player clans more easily.
These are some of the best guidelines that players can apply to win Clash of Clans games easily all the time. You can also join the QQemas website which provides many of the most popular and best online games which will always provide the best entertainment at all times.